NOICE 24Conferences


Welcome to the registration platform for the first NATO Open Innovation Conference & Expo!

NOICE24 has concluded on September 13th, and we are proud to have brought the NATO innovation community together like never before!

Read more about this year's edition on our ACT website:

All information for attendees will remain online on this platform for 1 year after the conclusion of the event, and attachments will remain available for download for logged in participants.

Finally, we are looking for feedback from out attendees! Please take a moment to fill in the survey via the link below:


We look forward to next year's edition, and will keep you posted about NOICE25!

Best regards,

Bart Hollants

NATO Innovation Network



NOICE 24 After action feedback
    • Doors open, registration, coffee Plenary Room

      Plenary Room

    • Opening Address Plenary Room

      Plenary Room

    • Housekeeping announcements Plenary Room

      Plenary Room

    • Panel: Delivering Disruption to the battlefield Plenary Room

      Plenary Room

    • Roundtable: Innovation @ NATO Plenary Room

      Plenary Room

    • 12:30
      Lunch break Hotel Restaurant

      Hotel Restaurant

    • Roundtable: Organizing Disruption Plenary Room

      Plenary Room

    • Generative Collective Intelligence: Human and AI Agents working together Plenary Room

      Plenary Room

    • The Portuguese Armed Forces: Innovation Ecosystem Center Plenary Room

      Plenary Room

    • NATO-Ukraine engagement Plenary Room

      Plenary Room

    • Closing remarks Plenary Room

      Plenary Room

    • Afternoon Coffee & Networking Foyer & 1st Floor

      Foyer & 1st Floor

    • Reception Pool Deck 3rd Floor

      Pool Deck 3rd Floor

    • 08:30
      Doors open, registration, coffee Plenary Room

      Plenary Room

    • Opening address Plenary Room

      Plenary Room

    • Opening of the Expo and Expo pitches Highlights of Expo booths Plenary Room

      Plenary Room

    • Breakout option
    • Expo open
    • Project Mercury Plenary Room

      Plenary Room

    • 12:30
      Lunch break Hotel Restaurant

      Hotel Restaurant

    • Project Mercury Plenary Room

      Plenary Room

    • Agile Development workshop Room Alpha

      Room Alpha

    • Design Thinking for Innovation workshop Room Bravo

      Room Bravo

    • Briefing for REPMUS visit on Friday Plenary Room

      Plenary Room

    • Closing address Plenary Room

      Plenary Room

    • 09:30
      Meetup, Coffee & Travel to REPMUS Foyer


    • REPMUS site visit
    • 12:00
      Networking option & self-arranged lunch Foyer
